AmigaActive (453/2143)

From:Robbin Van Ooy
Date:5 May 2000 at 16:13:29
Subject:Re: Boot failure

At 05-May-00, Kevin Twyman said something about
[amigactive] Re: Boot failure, resulting in this reply.

>> Only difference, on my machine it freezes at the cgx4 logo, just
>> after loading fastiprefs or adddatatypes.

>I can't tell exactly where it's freezing, but I suspect the problem is
>caused by the time taken to load the WB background pic. I thought the
>problem had been cured, but it re-appeared this morning :(

Its definately caused by the AKJFIF datatype, at least in my case :)

Did you use it aswell?

>> I think it has something to do with datatypes/fastiprefs on your
>> config, try renaming the datatype dir and run Iprefs instead of
>> fastIprefs, to see if it helps.
>Looking at my s-sequence, I run Iprefs then FPPrefs?

Hmm FastIprefs is faster, try it out for a day?

>Everything helps, I'm still working on it :)

Same here :^)

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